Sushi Grade Fish – Buy Here – Free Delivery

Sushi Grade Fish

Sushi Sushi - Sushi Grade Hamachi - Sushi Grade Yellowtail

What is sushi grade fish?

Sushi grade fish is a term used to identify fish that is considered safe to be eaten raw based on species, quality and freshness. Sushi grade fish is fish of high quality and high level of freshness. However, there is no official standard for the term and it is thought to be used primarily for marketing purposes, paired with more expensive and fresher cuts of fish, it is a term used to describe and label fish that is considered to be safe to eat raw by the fishmonger.

Is sushi grade fish safe to eat?

The short answer is yes, our pancreas allows us to eat certain raw fish and meats, but one must be aware of the potential dangers of consuming anything in its raw form. The dangers of sushi grade fish should be broken down into 2 categories bacterial and parasitical. Bacteria may form in the fish if it is mishandled from the time it is taken out of the water to the time it is served. A strict temperature of below 41 degrees Fahrenheit must be maintained at all times. Handling must be kept sterilized and free from any potential cross contamination. The second potential danger is parasitical, which are parasites or worms that may be already living in the fish before it is caught. For that reason fresh water fish are not recommended to be eaten raw. Ocean fish or saltwater fish are much more suitable to be eaten raw. Freezing will kill almost all parasites known in existence, but will not kill potential bacterial, only cooking the fish will kill both any parasites and all bacteria that might be present. That is why it is crucial that you are buying sushi grade fish from a reputable place that carefully handles all their fish.

Where to buy sushi grade fish?

If you are every wondering where to buy sushi grade fish, the long and short answer is right here at Sushi Sushi. We sell the highest quality, freshest and best handled sushi grade fish in NYC.

Sushi Sushi-Sushi Grade Salmon

Sushi Grade Fish

Same Sushi Grade fish we use, perfect for Sushi, delicious for cooking.

FREE Delivery Anywhere in Manhattan – 150 min

Salmon (Scottish)  13.5 ( ½ lb)
Fluke  15 ( ½ lb)
Yellowtail  19 ( ½ lb)
Smoked Salmon  10 ( ½ lb)
Strip Bass  12 ( ½ lb)
Shrimp (sushi)  12 ( ½ lb)
Tuna  19 ( ½ lb)
Eel  19 ( ½ lb)
Kani Crab  11 ( ½ lb)
Avocado  4 (ea.)

Sushi Sushi - Sushi Grade Hamachi